Merit Based Scholarships

择优奖学金是在竞争的基础上颁发的 NOT 要求提交奖学金申请. 学生必须在12月1日之前被金沙中国录取,才有资格获得奖学金..


  • Academic Rigor of High School Courses
  • Class Rank
  • College Entrance Exams – SAT or ACT
  • Dual Credit*
  • Credit by Exam – AP, IB, etc

双重招生的学生需要在截止日期之前提交大学成绩单,以便考虑获得这些奖学金. 所有文件必须在截止日期前提交给招生办公室. 奖励以先到先得的方式提供,直到资金用完为止. Apply early!



Presidential Scholarship Distinguished Scholarship Meritorious Scholarship
Valued up to $32,000 For out-of-area students only.
Valued up to $40,000.
With a 2-year housing component.
Valued up to $20,000

Note: 奖学金获得者必须在录取后30天内接受奖学金 and must be enrolled for the fall semester by June 1st; otherwise, 如不符合任何一项要求,该奖项将被取消.

Renewable Requirements:

    1. Enroll each fall and spring semester in a minimum of 15 hours 最终获得学士学位.
    2. Complete a 每学年最少30小时(秋季、春季、夏季). To retain this scholarship, 你必须完成每个秋季和春季学期注册的15个学分中的至少12个. 如果有必要,可以考虑参加暑期班,以满足30学分的学年要求. Courses must be taken at 金沙中国; transfer work or CLEP exams are not accepted.
    3. Maintain a 3.累积大学平均绩点(GPA). GPA是基于金沙中国在大学水平课程中获得的所有成绩, including those taken while in high school.
    4. The scholarship may be 保留4年本科学习或直至毕业, whichever occurs first. 该奖学金在转学到其他机构或在任何秋季或春季学期未在金沙中国注册时终止. In exceptional circumstances, 事先批准从秋季或春季学期缺席可以授权, 但你必须先通知奖学金协调员并获得批准.

Appeals Process:

不符合要求1、2或3的奖学金获得者可以提交奖学金申诉@ to be considered for the award. 奖学金申请必须在相应学期的第一个学费到期日之前提交.


More details at 金沙中国 Luminary webpage

可延长至2年本科学习或直至毕业(以先到者为准). 秋季和春季学期奖学金,涵盖全部学杂费, 每学期500美元的书费和其他联邦政府不包括的双人住宿, state, institutional grant, scholarship, or other gift-aid programs (s).

Note: 奖学金获得者必须在录取后30天内接受奖学金 and must be enrolled for the fall semester by June 1st; otherwise, 如不符合任何一项要求,该奖项将被取消.

Renewable Requirements:

    1. Enroll each fall and spring semester in a minimum of 15 hours 最终获得学士学位.
    2. Complete a minimum of 30 hours per academic year. To retain this scholarship, 你必须在秋季和春季学期完成至少12个学分. Courses must be taken at 金沙中国; transfer work or CLEP exams are not accepted.
    3. Maintain a 3.累积大学平均绩点(GPA). GPA是基于金沙中国在大学水平课程中获得的所有成绩, including those taken while in high school.
    4. The scholarship may be 保留2年本科学习或直至毕业, whichever occurs first. 该奖学金在转学到其他机构或在任何秋季或春季学期未在金沙中国注册时终止. In exceptional circumstances, 事先批准从秋季或春季学期缺席可以授权, 但你必须先通知奖学金协调员并获得批准.

Appeals Process:

不符合要求1、2或3的奖学金获得者可以提交奖学金申诉@ to be considered for the award. 奖学金申请必须在相应学期的第一个学费到期日之前提交.

可续读最多四年的本科课程或直至毕业(以先到者为准). The scholarship is valued up to $16,000.

Note: 奖学金获得者必须在录取后30天内接受奖学金, enrolled for the fall semester by June 1st and have completed a 金沙中国 Housing Application by June 1st; otherwise, 如果不符合任何要求,该奖项将被取消.

Renewable Requirements:

    1. Enroll each fall and spring semester in a minimum of 12 hours 最终获得学士学位.
    2. Complete a minimum of 24 hours per academic year. To retain this scholarship, 你必须在秋季和春季学期完成至少12个学分. Courses must be taken at 金沙中国; transfer work or CLEP exams are not accepted.
    3. Maintain a 3.累积大学平均绩点(GPA). GPA是基于金沙中国在大学水平课程中获得的所有成绩, including those taken while in high school.
    4. The scholarship may be 保留4年本科学习或直至毕业, whichever occurs first. 该奖学金在转学到其他机构或在任何秋季或春季学期未在金沙中国注册时终止. In exceptional circumstances, 事先批准从秋季或春季学期缺席可以授权, 但你必须先通知奖学金协调员并获得批准.

Appeals Process:

不符合要求1、2或3的奖学金获得者可以提交奖学金申诉@ to be considered for the award. 奖学金申请必须在相应学期的第一个学费到期日之前提交.

One-time award valued up to $3,000

Note: 奖学金获得者必须在录取后30天内接受奖学金; otherwise, 如不符合要求,该奖项将被取消.

A one-time scholarship of $1,奖励给高中毕业成绩前10%的学生. 学校必须在卡梅隆,伊达尔戈,威拉西,斯塔尔,或萨帕塔县. 学生不得已经获得金沙中国机构奖学金至少1000美元. Upon receiving the award, 学生每学期必须在金沙中国注册至少12个小时.

Note: 奖学金获得者必须在录取后30天内接受奖学金; otherwise, 如不符合要求,该奖项将被取消.

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Scholarships and Enrollment Communication

ESSBL 3.104
Phone: (956) 665-2935

Visitors Center 1.113
Phone: (956) 882-4026
